Saturday, December 28, 2019
How to Manage Lazy Employees
How to Manage Lazy EmployeesHow to Manage Lazy EmployeesEven if just one employee isnt pulling their weight, it can impact productivity, customer service,and, ultimately, sales. Todays lean organizations can no longer tolerate anything less than 100 percent effort from every employee. Domino Effect The most significant impact of a slacker is not necessarily felt in the organization-at-large but on the employees co-workers who have to work harder to cover for the slacker. When amanager is either not aware of the situation, or, chooses not to address it, morale suffers, and ultimately, good employees lower their standards or quit. Defining a Lazy Employee What exactly is a lazy employee? The term lazy is certainly a judgmental and subjective term, so managers need to be careful when applying labels like lazy, slacker, or deadbeat, to poor performers. They need to first determine the cause of the poor performance, and then take the appropriate action to address it. When it comes to analyzing employee performance programs, you might want to turn to the classic Robert F. Mager book, Analyzing Performance Problems Or, You Really Oughta WannaHow to Figure out Why People Arent Doing What They Should Be, and What to do About It. Help for Identifying Cant Do From Wont Do Mager presents a model that helps a manager determine if an employeecantdo something (skill), versusthe employeenot wantingto do something (will). He developed a flowchart with a series of yes-no questions that managers can use to determine the problem. The easiest way to tell the difference is to ask the question,If you put a gun to theemployees head, could they do it?If the answer is no, then its a skill issue. The solution could be additional training or practice. If the answer is yes, then its a will issue or a lack of proper motivation. Magers book provides a series of questions (with detailed explanations in each chapter) a manager can ask to determine why an employee is notmotivatedto perform at the expected level. Depending on the answer, the manager can then take appropriate actionwhich doesnt always mean disciplining or firing the employee. Questions to Ask Employees Is Desired Performance Punishing or Is It Rewarding? The classic example of rewarding bad behavior is when a child misbehaves to get their parents attention. In a workplace, an employee might get rewarded with overtime pay for not getting their work done on. You can exerzieren down to the details with these probing questions What is the consequence of performing as desired?Is it punishing to perform as expected?Do employees perceive desired performance as being geared to penalties?Would the employees world become a little dimmer if the desired performance were attained?What is the result of doing it the present way instead of my way?What do employees get out of the present performance in the way of reward, prestige, status, jollies?Do employees get more attention for misbehaving than for behav ing?What event in the world supports (rewards) the present way of doing things? Am I inadvertently rewarding irrelevant behavior while overlooking the crucial behaviors? Are employees physically inadequate or doing less because it is less tiring? Does Performing Really Matter to Them? Does performing as desired by management matter to the performer?Is there a favorable outcome for performing?Is there an undesirable outcome for not performing?Is therea source of satisfactionfor performing?Can employees take pride in this performance as individuals or as members of a group?Is there personal needs satisfaction from the job? Are There Obstacles to Performing? What prevents employees from performing?Do employees know what is expected?Do employees know when to do what is expected?Are there conflicting demands on employees time?Do employees lack the authority? The time? The tools?Are there restrictive policies, or a right way of doing it, or a way weve always done it that ought to be chang ed?Can I reduce competition from the job phone calls, brush fires, demands of less important but more immediate problems? At the end of the day, a manager may just have tocoach the employee out of the jobor takeprogressive disciplinary action.In doing so, they can be confident that they have given the employee every benefit of the doubt and are taking the right action to correct the right problem.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Tips About Building Employee Motivation and Morale
Tips About Building Employee Motivation and MoraleTips About Building Employee Motivation and MoraleYou can make their day or break their day. Other than the decisions individuals make on their own about liking their work, you are the most powerful factor in building employee motivation and positive morale.As a manager or supervisor, your impact on employee motivation is immeasurable. By your words, your body language, and the expression on your face, you telegraph your opinion of their value to the people you employ. Feeling valued by their supervisor in the workplace is key to high employee motivation and positive morale. Feeling valued ranks right up there for most people with liking the work, competitive pay, opportunities for training and advancement, and feeling in on the latest news. Building high employee motivation and morale is both challenging and yet supremely simple. It requires that you pay attention every day to profoundly meaningful aspects of your impact on life at w ork. Your arrival at work sets the tone for the day Picture Mr. Stressed-Out and Grumpy. He arrives at work with a frown on his face. His body language telegraphs overworked and unhappy. He moves slowly and treats the first person who approaches him abruptly. It takes only a few minutes for the entire workplace to get the word. Stay away from Mr. Stressed-Out and Grumpy if you know whats good for you this morning. Your arrival and the first moments you spend with staff each day have an immeasurable impact on positive employee motivation and morale. Start the day right. Smile. Walk tall and confidently. Walk around your workplace and greet people. Share the goals and expectations for the day. Let the staff know that today is going to be a great day. Use simple, powerful words to motivate employees Sometimes in my work, I get gifts. I recently interviewed an experienced supervisor for a stelle open at a client company. She indicated that she was popular with the people at her former company as evidenced by employees wanting to work on her shift. Responding to my question, she said that part of her success was that she liked and appreciated people. She sent the right message. She also uses simple, powerful, motivational words to demonstrate she values people. She says please, thank you, and youre doing a good job. How often do you take the time to use these simple, powerful words, and others like them, in your interaction with staff? For employee motivation, make koranvers people know what you expect In the best book, Ive read on the subject, Why Employees Dont Do What Theyre Supposed to Do and What to Do about Itby Ferdinand Fournies, setting clear expectations is often a supervisors first failure. Supervisors think they have clearly stated work objectives, numbers needed, report deadlines and requirements, but the employee received a different message. Or, the requirements change in the middle of the day, job, or project. While the new expectations are communicated - usually poorly - the reason for the change or the context for the change is rarely discussed. This causes staff members to think that the company leaders dont know what they are doing. This is hardly a confidence, morale-building feeling. This is bad news for employee motivation and morale. Make sure you get feedback from the employee so you know he understands what you need. Share the goals and reasons for doing the task or project. In a manufacturing environment, dont emphasize just numbers if you want a quality product finished quickly. If you must make a change midway through a task or a project, tell the staff why the change is needed tell them everything you know. You can make their day. Provide regular feedback for employee motivation When I poll supervisors, the motivation and morale builder they identify first is knowing how they are doing at work. Your staff members need the same information. They want to know when they have done a project well and w hen you are disappointed in their results. They need this information as soon as possible following the event. They need to work with you to make sure they produce a positive outcome the next time. Set up a daily or weekly schedule and make sure feedback happens. Youll be surprised how effective this tool can be in building employee motivation and morale. People need positive and not so positive consequences Hand-in-hand with regular feedback, employees need rewards and recognition for positive contributions. One of my clients has started a thank you process in which supervisors are recognizing employees with personally writtenthank you cards and a small giftfor work that is above and beyond expectations. Employees need a fair, consistently administeredprogressive disciplinary systemfor when they fail to perform effectively. The motivation and morale of your best-contributing employees are at stake. Nothing hurts positive motivation and morale more quickly than unaddressedproble ms,or problems addressed inconsistently. What about supervisory discretion, you are probably thinking. Im all for supervisory discretion, but only when it is consistent. People need to know what they can expect from you. In employee relations, an apt statement is Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. It aint magic. its discipline. Supervisors frequently ask, How do I motivate employees? Its one of the most common questions I am asked. Wrong question. Ask instead, How do I createa work environmentin whichindividual employeeschoose to be motivatedaboutwork goalsand activities? That question I can answer. The right answer is that, generally, you know what you should do you know what motivates you. You just do not consistently, in a disciplined manner, adhere to what you knowabout employee motivation. The ten tips, outlined in this article, are the keys to supervisory success in creating positive employee motivation and morale. The challenge is to incorporate them into your skill set and do them consistently - every day. Author, Jim Collins identified disciplined people doing disciplined things every day as one of the hallmarks of companies that went fromGood to Great Why Some Companies Make the Leap... And Others Dont. Continue learning and trying out new ideas for employee motivation Use whatever access you have to education and training. You may have an internal trainer or you can seek classes from an outside consultant, a training company, or a college or university. If your company offers an educational assistance plan, use all of it. If not, start talking with your Human Resources professionals about creating one. The ability to continuously learn is what will keep you moving in your career and through all the changes I expect well see in the next decade.Minimally, you will want to learn the roles and responsibilities of supervisors and managers and how to provide feedback,provide praise and recognition,provide proper progressive di scipline,give instructions,interview and hiresuperior employees,delegate tasks and projects,listen actively and deeply,write records, letters, file notations, and wertmiger zuwachs evaluations,make presentations,manage time,plan and execute projects,problem solve and follow up for continuous improvement,make decisions,manage meetings, andbuild empowered teams and individuals in a teamwork environment. What does all this have to do with employee motivation, you may ask? Everything. The more comfortable and confident you are about these work competencies, the more time, energy, and ability you have to devote to spending time with staff and creating a motivating work environment. Make time for people for employee motivation Spend time daily with each person you supervise. Managers might aim for an hour a week with each of their direct reports. Many studies indicate that a key employee work motivation factor is spending positive interaction time with the supervisor. Schedule quarter ly performance development meetings on a public calendar so people can see when they can expect some quality time and attention from you. You can make their year, not just their day. Focus on the development of people for employee motivation Most people want to learn and grow their skills at work. No matter their reason apromotion, different work, a new position or a leadership role, employees appreciate your help. Talk about changes they want to make in their jobs to better serve their customers. Encourage experimentation and taking a reasonable risk to developemployee skills. Get to know them personally. Ask what motivates them. Ask what career objectives they have and are aiming to achieve. Makea performance development planwith each person and make sure you help them carry out the plan. The quarterly performance development meeting is your opportunity to formalize plans for people. You can make their career. Share the goals and the context communicate for employeemotivati on People expect you to know the goals and share the direction in which your workgroup is heading. The more you can tell them about why an event is happening, the better. Prepare staff in advance if visitors or customers will come to your workplace. Hold regular meetings to share information, gain ideas for improvement, and trainnew policies. Hold focus groups to gather input before implementing policies that affect employees. Promote problem-solving and process improvement teams. Above all else, to effectively lead aworkgroup, department, or unit, you must take responsibility for your actions, the actions of the people you lead, and the accomplishment of the goals that are yours. If you are unhappy with the caliber of the people you are hiring, whose responsibility is that? If you are unhappy about the training people in your workgroup are receiving, whose responsibility is that? If you are tired of sales and accounting changing your goals, schedule, and direction, whose responsib ility is that? If you step up to the wire, people will respect you and follow you. You are creating a work environment in which people will choose motivation. It does start with you. You can make their whole experience with your company.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
4 Tips for a Perfect Phone Interview
4 Tips for a Perfect Phone Interview4 Tips for a Perfect Phone InterviewHere are four tips to get you started on a perfect phone einstellungsgesprchDo Your ResearchOnce an employer has contacted you and set up the initial phone bewerbungsgesprch, the first step is to prepare. Just as if you were preparing for an in-person interview do your homework. Research the company and visit their website. Know all there is to know about what they do, and the products or services they sell. Be prepared with questions about the position you are applying for.Be Organized and Get SeriousMake sure you have a quiet, organized place to take the scheduled call. Dont accept a time slot for the interview when you know you will be in the car, distracted, or have kids/loud pets at home. For a hiring manager it is frustrating to conduct a phone interview with dogs barking in the background, plus it tells them that they didnt take the phone interview very seriously. Get a pen and paper in front of you and b e ready to take elendes. Have the job posting that you applied for in front of you so you know what type of skills they are looking for. Know how your abilities fit with the position and be prepared to discuss how you see yourself succeeding in that role.Outline your Talking PointsA phone interviews main purpose is to weed out candidates that seem like they would not be fit for the position. Some of this will be based on acceptance of the hours, location and salary. Additionally the interviewer will likely be asking some basic interview questions such as why you are in the job market and what you are looking for. Be prepared with these answers and rehearse them in advance. You should have a 30 second elevator speech prepared explaining why you applied for the position and why you believe you would be a good fit.Follow UpAlthough the person in charge of interviews may have been deluged with resumes, only about 1% of applicants send a thank you note after a phone or in-person intervie w. If you want the job, ask for the interviewers email or postal address and take the time to follow up with a thank you note for taking the time to interview you. This will make you stand out from the crowd, and it shows that you are considerate, detail oriented, and organized.Remember, the main purpose of a phone interview is to screen OUT applicants. Many openings for work-at-home positions only have a phone interview. If you are prepared, organized, and well-rehearsed, you will be well on your way to getting that job, whether it is work from home or a traditional position.Readers,whats your idea of the perfect phoneinterview? Tell us in the comments belowThis post was written by Jeri Johansen, PHR HR Blogger and Manager of Human Resources at and Chair of the 2014 Northern Ohio Human Resource Conference ( specializes in employment screening and background checks. You can find onFacebook and Twitter also.
Friday, December 13, 2019
5 financial tips for postgraduates
5 financial tips for postgraduates5 financial tips for postgraduatesIf you or your child is about to graduate from college, chances are they feel inexperienced, innocent, yet perhaps not so enthusiastic. After all, post-graduates could be riddled with debt, plus scared out of their minds, wondering what to do next.Nonetheless, time is on their side. The salad days, as they know them, may be over. However, they can redistributions-mix those days with the healthier notion that the next few years will be the best time of their life.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreYOLOThe generational attitude of YOLO, you only live once, is both a positive and negative for college grads. Using a devil-may-care attitude when you are young stems from the sense of infallibility. That sense can be used to a young persons advantage.Nevertheless, taking unnecessary and extreme risks without planning for a very long life ahead, will be detrimental. The next few years after graduation are the best time for young people to think from a place of abundance instead of a place of scarcity.I am a classic exampleWhen I finished my postgraduate work in special education, I fulfilled my parents dreams and went to work with kids who had special needs. And I loved the work. Only, I soon realized that I could not afford to do very much outside of going to work.I had no student debt. Yet, I also had none of the baggage that most older people have. Nevertheless, I could barely make ends meet. I knew nothing about saving or investing. My dad, a letter carrier for the U.S. Post Office, never discussed geschftsleben and finance at the dinner table.What saved me from a life of scarcity, was youth, enthusiasm and very little baggage. If it save me, it could save you.Through a friend, I went to the NY Commodities Exchange Floor in the World Trade Center to check it out. The proverbial lightbulb went off in my head. I knew at once this is where I had to be.I got a job as an analyst for ContiCommodites on the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange. That meant I spoke on a squawk box to brokers around the world about the happenings in that Exchange. That job became my crash course in trading. It gave me the chance to change my life and financial condition.Beating the oddsAs a woman and a teacher with no business background and even less money, the odds of my succeeding were against me.But I was young and extremely enthusiastic. Plus, I was ready to do a complete about face from what my parents had said was the safe thing to do, become a teacher as you will always have a secure job.The key to my success was that as a teacher, I set out to learn everything I could about trading. I never thought about losing. I only thought about what I needed to do to win. In just one year, I was promoted to become a Member of the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange. I never looked back.When I read most of the advice to postgraduates, the words that come up are budget, save, and live frugally. Had I done that, I would have never taken the leap into finance.Now, working on Wall Street the way I did is not a necessity for young people to learnhow to invest. With electronic trading and mobile devices, anyone can open an account with as little as $500.I got a fast track education. Postgraduates who want to invest can learn from the plethora of online sites and books that teach strategies.Here are 5 tips for postgraduates1. Switch your mindset from saving money to building wealth. (Scarcity to abundance)2. Think about what you know or like as where to make your first investment. That may include a product, store or megatrend.3. You know how to learn and study. Use those skills to master one repeatable and consistent trading strategy. In my bookPlant Your Money Tree A Guide To Growing Your Wealth, that means becoming a specialist in phases. Phases serve as a compass or navigation system for in vesting at the right time with the least amount of risk.4. Understand that the rules have changed since your granddad invested. The speed and amount of information has increased exponentially. Think about your investments as a moving business, not a storage business. Use phases to avoid costly passive investing in case the market takes a longstanding downturn.5. Find a mentor. But before you follow anyone blindly, make sure they have a repeatable and easily defined strategy. Otherwise, you could get lucky and find someone on a hot streak. Yet, once that streak is over, if you have no idea what their process was for making money, you will be left in the dark holding big losses.For more information on Phases,Plant Your Money Tree A Guide To Growing Your Wealth, will help you learn about a simple, yet powerfully accurate way to look at your financial life with a completely new attitude of confidence.This article originally appeared on Your Money Geek.You might also enjoyNew neuroscienc e reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Monday, December 9, 2019
An Unbiased Perspective on Customer Success Manager Resume
An Unbiased Perspective on Customer Success Manager Resume One of the greatest perks of consumer tafelgeschirr is that field is comparatively simple to enter, even in the event you dont have a lot of prior experience. There are many types of consumer engagement. Basic memberships are free and give a broad range of resources and data. First month within the field accomplished 200% of unit objective. Using Customer Success Manager Resume So if you would like to train your managers to turn into decent customer success leaders then here are 5 tips that can help you do it. The majority of these were startups themselves, searching for candidates with an established track record of helping similar businesses flourish. Their occupation is to work in tandem with customers to make aya they are happy with the services they receive and to improve upon regions of dissatisfaction. In the perfect world, every opportunity ought to have a customer success manager assigned. Naturally, your institutions customer success leaders are going to be at the forefront of such a system, which is the reason why they have to see that the ultimate purpose of their work is increased customer engagement. Therefore, theres a selection of data which can help organizations measure the worth of their customer success initiatives. At length, the very best CSMs on the planet will earn trusted advisor status with their customers. To do this, you will not merely will need to understand an organizations target demographic, but in addition current marketplace trends. The Little-Known Secrets to Customer Success Manager Resume At length, a great customer success manager ought to be a very good leader. The main point is that should you need to remain in Customer Success and grow your career there, you will probably have a great chance to achieve that. This eventually can help prevent customer churn. Customer service operations is a really good example and societal media campaigns are a nother. In the event the main feature of the role is technical support or landing new clients, it isnt Customer Success. WHO The people who are executing against all the above are members of Customer Success organizations and are usually called Customer Success Managers (CSMs). Cover letters which match the amount of professionalism of your resume can often supply an advantage over other possible candidates. This deutsche bundespost will also assist you to find out more about the functions of managers of consumer support, the abilities and the tools you must succeed, if youre trying to work in that job. Those trying to fill this position must emphasize previous expertise in the area throughout their resumes. The Customer Success Manager Resume Chronicles But it may also indicate that a few companies are somewhat more flexible than others when it has to do with finding the ideal fit for an emerging role. Since you may see, a great CSM can come from any sort of background an d in reality, a different background with many experiences can frequently be an extra benefit since theyll bring a different perspective to the table. Moreover, you must have effective analytical skills to evaluate what customers are seeking and develop methods to improve interactions with them. Those are all areas about which an expert CSM is going to have abundance of knowledge. Because of this it can oftentimes be tricky to establish the traits that will make one successful in the part. Youll also have to work on your interpersonal abilities, including developing a larger feeling of empathy. Customer service emphasizes the happiness and satisfaction of current and possible clients, but every individual you encounter on the work likely has unique requirements or a different idea of succeeding. Exceptional ability to come up with relationships. Their work and the work of the whole customer success team is the thing that makes the entire thing important. Get started today and receive the job that you want faster That means you should feel good that youre in the correct place at the correct moment. Be ready for the job search to have a while. The customer service manager duties and obligations highlighted in the above mentioned work description are quite suitable in producing the work experience section of your resume in case you have worked before in that job. An important knowledge in the hospitality sector is helpful to make a restaurant manager job. If youre serious enough to find the job it is wise to employ a professional resume writer to generate the restaurant manager resume for you. Whenever your team is aware of what they are liable for and your customer is aware of what they are accountable for, projects can move quickly and efficiently. Bear in mind, the trick to a fantastic cover letter is personalization. Although cover letters arent supposed to be long, they do need to be comprehensive. You can watch the complete cover letter at the next link. The entire cover letter are available here. Customer success makes sure that your clients understand, internalize and go through the value of your merchandise or service throughout the whole period of their journey by means of your company. A customer has opted to buy your goods and is prepared to begin. Train and educate customers on the characteristics of merchandise. Construct and maintain relationships with new in addition to existing customers.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Techniques for Resume Writing Services Tarrytown New York That Only the Pros Know About
Techniques for Resume Writing Services Tarrytown New York That Only the Pros Know About Content has to be focused. If you arent optimizing your social media, youre passing up some key opportunities. Its about your experience, and the way you make it sing on paper. Our resume writing services can help you acquire the interview and land the job you need and deserve. How-to-books and generic software templates take more time to master and arent as powerful. Hiring managers meet with lots of individuals. And thats where we can provide help. Finding Resume Writing Services Tarrytown New York on the Web A Resume youll be pleased with. I am the very first point of contact and will stay a telephone call or email away to give post-completion support. Everything is going to be discovered through a telephone interview, even if it should be a long one. Its vital to do your homework upfront before you choose to earn a move. However effective youre in your work, the tough parte i s making certain that comes across. The very best part was I landed a new job in only a month or two Its tough to write about yourself without feeling like youre bragging. Resume Writing Services Tarrytown New York and Resume Writing Services Tarrytown New York - The Perfect Combination Career opportunities abound in New York, but only for those that are well prepared to make the most of them. Thus, our site encourages all to scroll up to our list and locate the very best CV writing services in NYC at this time. Nobody has more affordable resumes and much better quality in nyc. They dont have any inside knowledge or cutting edge details. There are a lot of reasons it is sensible to have an expert bio all set. I used tont know the best places to get started with my resume. I wouldnt advise this service to somebody who is entry-level, or even someone whos mid-entry level. Possessing an objective person or more than 1 person look at its valuable. The Downside Risk of Resu me Writing Services Tarrytown New York Its the very first impression an upcoming employer has of you. If youre an executive or senior professional in the Big Apple, you are aware that making a terrific first impression is crucial. Employ a professional executive resume writer. You dont need to be worried about having a resume writer whos unaware of the role that youre applying for. Businesses are looking online to determine when you have the perfect qualifications. Key words have to be placed where theyll be easily noticed and ought to present your results at work. I dont think youll be let down whatsoever. Some companies do need cover letters as a way to apply. A cover letter is another means to set yourself apart and to demonstrate why youre a fantastic fit for employment. You want to provide concise, relevant and engaging responses to be able to WOW your interviewers. A good resume and cover letter isnt just about what youve done.
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