Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How a resume writer can help you -

How a resume writer can help you - I recently spoke to a woman who is losing her job. Her company is closing, and she has an end date. She sent her resume to me, explaining that she knows it needs some help and that a networking contact had suggested she get in touch. When we spoke, she admitted that she probably hasnt fully accepted the fact that she is going to be looking for a job and explained that she is having a lot of trouble getting her head around the whole thing. Its been a long time since she has looked for work. (And it has always been HER idea in the past.) Shes upset to be in this situation, and it is getting her stuck in a rut. This is something I hear over and over again. Its tough to rise above the situation to really focus on what is important identifying and highlighting skills and accomplishments that connect with your goals. Surprisingly, its not much different for employed clients. Even though they may not be dealing with the emotional issues involved in a downsizing, it is not easy to hone in on the key points and focus on what to say on the resume. If either of these describe you, think about the value of having an unbiased, expert specialist write your resume. It could be like a breath of fresh air for your search! Dont forget that clear, concise, optimized job search materials AND a strong, well executed plan are key for job search success! I can help with every part of your job hunt! Need a great resume? Tips to use social networking? Interview coaching?   If you need help mobilizing your networks and your job search plans,  learn more about how I can help you! While youre at it, dont forget those social networks! Be sure to become a  fan of Keppie Careers on FacebookId be thrilled to have you as part of the community! Since were on the subject of doing something newAre you on Twitter? Jump on and touch base with me  @keppie_careers. photo by MAS Photography

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